ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß NAVY MAINTENANCE ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Add Navy: This will build a Navy in at least one of your ports. Navy letters 'A' through 'F' will always be at your main port. The starting positions are: France A - F : Brest G - H : Marseilles I : Antwerp* England A - F : Portsmouth G - H : Gibraltor** I : Malta** Prussia A - F : Danzig G - H : Koningsberg Austria A - I : Treste Russia A - F : St. Petersburg G - I : Odessa Turkey A - F : Istanbul G - I : Athens * Only barges can be built here. ** After turn 1 no men O' war can be built in Gibraltor or Malta and only barges can be built in Malta. Leaders influence battle by adding to the fighting ability of ships with their Skill and add to the morale with their Leadership. Men o' wars are the main fighting ship unit. These have a 40% chance of sinking another sea unit. Transports have a 10% chance and barges have no chance. All ship units can carry troops. Men o' war and barges can carry 1,000 men or 333 cavalry troops. Transports can carry 2,000 men or 666 cavalry. Men o' war have a morale value that can be affected by the leaders value. When you split one Navy into two, the original Navy will retain its old morale and leader. A new leader may be selected for the new Navy. You MAY NOT have a army on board when you split it. You may only increase the strength of your fleet at a select few ports. You may never reduce the strength of a fleet. When joining two navies only one leader of the two may be selected. The other leader goes into transit and is unavailable for the remainder of the turn. When joining a fleet with one that is transporting an army the army is kept on board. When joining two fleets each carrying an army the armies are both joined. This is one just like joining a fleet on land. You will thus send an extra leader into transit for one turn. England,France and Russia have the possibility of a naval leader (Admiral). Leadership Present at s= sometimes LEADER NAME Strategic Tactical Start A= always N= never Cornwallis 6 4 s Keith 5 5 s Nelson 10 8 A Villeneuve 3 2 A Tshitsagov 5 2 s